Monochromatic color schemes are a safe, classic, middle ground to a calming decor. Choosing paint colors can be a daunting experience with all the numerous choices to pick from. Mix it up…
5 Complementary Color Scheme Tricks To Make Your Home Look Great
Get the colors of your home wrong and it can throw everything else off. Doesn’t matter how pretty your sofa and cabinets might be. You should always aim for a complementary color scheme. We̵…
How to Create a Feng Shui Room.
Every day life rushes by us at warp speed, your home is one area you can slow down and create calmness. This blog will explain how to create a “Feng Shui” room. Writer Uma Camp…
Your Custom Window Treatments Add Value To A Home
How can you add value to your home via your custom window treatments? The sole purpose of custom window treatments aren’t just to be aesthetically attractive, they serve a functional value…
Updating Living Room Furniture
Currently we are working with a client who is in need of updating living room furniture. In addition, new area rugs, a new mantle and crown molding as well as, custom window treatments are needed. Pr…
What Does Your Art At Home Tell About You?
Each piece of art at home tells the story of who you are, where you’ve been or what you are interested in. Recently, I walked through the front door of a new client. I was instantly …
Custom Bedding For A Bedroom Oasis
Let’s face it, we all love a good nap or a good cuddle in bed. Personally, I find it to be my most comfortable place in my house. At the end of a long day of juggling work, run…
How Can Custom Throw Pillows Add Pizazz
Spring has arrived and Summer is almost here, is your house looking as fresh and colorful as the outdoors? Is it time to update and renew some of the spaces in your home? One very simple a…