Given how frustrating general housework and cleaning can be, it stands to reason that inventors have been seeking to lighten the burden for years now. There are more cleaning gadgets and electronic wizardry than any home could possibly need – which is, of course, the problem.
You could easily spend a month’s wages on all the different gadgets at your disposal, but it wouldn’t be the best use of funds imaginable. Given the fact that many of these gadgets have a tendency to overlap in usage, you’d be doubling or tripling up when it came to certain tasks. Then there’s the fact that some of the promised cleaning liberation might never come, due to gadgets that don’t quite work as they should.
So given the fact you don’t have an endless pit of money from which to find cleaning gadget funds, which are the items that are genuinely worth your time – and which should you pass on by?
Carpet Cleaners
If you prefer carpet to hard flooring, you’re probably more than familiar with how dirty they can get in a relatively small amount of time. So to tackle that, the best carpet cleaner for home usage will be able to get down into the fibers and remove any stains and general mess. They’re usually far more efficient at this than just scrubbing by hand, and they will protect your carpets from over-enthusiastic cleaning demands.
Should You Buy One? Yes. If you have carpet anywhere in your home and want to keep them looking good, then one of these beauties should be considered an essential purchase.
Robot Vacuum
Rather than dragging a heavy vacuum behind you every day, a robot vacuum seems to be the perfect solution. You sit back and watch the TV while it does all the hard work for you – perfect!
The truth is somewhat less useful. Robot vacuums are okay for generally day-to-day debris, but they are as defined by what they can’t do as what they can. They can’t go under furniture; they can’t move obstacles out of the way, they can’t realize they need to go over a certain area a few more times to pick up stubborn particles.
Should You Buy One? No, they’re not worth it – you’ll still have to vacuum more thoroughly, and if you’re going to have to do that you might as well save yourself the cost of a robot version.
Steam Cleaners
Steam cleaners are popular for two reasons. A) They’re effective; it’s impossible to argue the fact that steam cleaning does genuinely work, especially for stains and grease that would otherwise take hours of hard work to get rid of. B) They don’t require the use of chemical cleaning products, as they just work with water. This can save you a lot of money in the long run, as after the initial expense of the steam cleaner, you won’t need anything but H20 from the tap to keep it going.
Should You Buy One? Yes – this is one cleaning gadget you should definitely make room for, especially if you have hardwood or laminate flooring. Nothing will bring up a streak-free finish on those floors like a steam cleaner.
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