Garage doors are an underrated aspect of home design.
They encompass the majority of house fronts and can say a lot about a property simply by the style. Changing an old design or updating a current one can make the outward view of a house shine and make home values skyrocket.
Does your exterior home look shabby and outdated? It could be your garage doors. Here are a few tips to consider when redecorating in West Hartford, CT.
Pick an Occasion
Are you looking to decorate your garage doors for a holiday or are you wanting a design more casual for an everyday look?
This is the first question you need to answer before choosing to redecorate. If you’re looking for seasonal décor, then picking a more versatile idea is a better option, especially if you plant to change it every season.
Simple stick-ons are your best friend for quick and relevant ornaments that can be changed up with each holiday season. If you want a more concrete design for year-round, then something simple yet elegant is the way to go. For this type, a wooden or stone textured door can be amazing.
Make a List of Any Materials and Tools
After figuring out what kind of garage design you want, you want to make sure to choose the right materials and tools.
Make a list of any materials for your specific project. For example, if you’re working on a barn door design, make sure to measure out the amount wood you need along with the kind. When changing it up for the seasons, it would be helpful to have hanging hooks and sticker decals.
Besides the materials for decorative touches, a kit with a variety of tools like drills, screws, hammer, wrenches, and a level bar are all basic needs for any construction. Adding a few extra tools like wire strippers or a Dremel ensure you are ready for the unexpected to happen. Check off each item when you obtain them and double check that you haven’t missed anything.
Budget Your Time
Not all projects will be a quick process—sometimes it can take weeks of hard work. Budgeting time can help you finish the project in as little time and as efficiently as possible.
So, get an agenda, find the date you want it completed, and then start figuring out how much time you are willing to commit. You will be more productive when you choose specific days and times each week, just like you would a regular job. Getting yourself in the habit of working on your garage can make it easier and faster in the long run.
Know Your Limit—and Your Door’s
Not all garage doors can take as much weight as others, which means decorations with heavy objects attached may not always be an option. Remember to look up your specific model and see what weight restrictions it has or else the makeover could spell disaster.
The same goes for your body. If you’re redecorating alone, then you need to work within your limits. Over stressing your body can make finishing the project a longer and more arduous process than it needs to be, and you might not be able to reach your goal time frame. If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask a professional or even someone with a little more experience. It will make a huge difference and remove any burden off your shoulders.
Don’t Settle—Shop Around
Although you may want a certain design, sometimes your wallet might not agree. Knowing how much you want to spend and keeping within that range can make redecorating more enjoyable.
However, you don’t have to settle for just anything within your range. There are countless ways to get a more expensive look that your wallet can handle. Shop around for the best deals and compare them to other items of similar appearance. Pay attention to online reviews because they’re going to be your best bet for deciding on materials and even tools. You can also ask local or online specialists for tips and advice. There’s always a way to get what you want within your budget.
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