Making your home energy efficient has been a popular trend recently, one that helps not only the environment but also the wallet. After buying your home, maintaining it and paying the bills can be quite costly. So many of us strive to reduce the bills as much as we can. We may meal plan to reduce the food bill; we might shop around for the best insurance quotes. You may search around for the best energy deals, and that’s great. But could you be missing out on something else? This is where looking at how efficient your home is can help. So we thought it would be a great time to consider some of the helpful tips to make an energy efficient house.
Insulate the house for energy efficiency
According to the Neeeco’s Mass Save program, insulating the walls and loft space is a great way to make your house more energy efficient. Insulating helps keep heat in the home instead of escaping. So you are less likely to waste energy by letting warm air escape through the roof and the walls. While this helps during the cold winter, you will also find insulation has benefits in the summer. It allows cool air to stay in the home when it is hot outside, making your home cooler. Insulation can save you money on air conditioning and your heating bills.
Take a look at your windows and doors
In the same way, heat can escape through your windows and doors. They can also let cold drafts in and make your home inefficient. This is where considering revamping your windows with some Quality Double Glazing can make a big difference to your energy usage. With the benefit of double glazed windows, it means you can not only just save on your heating. It allows you to open up your blinds and curtains and let sunlight in. Reducing the number of lights needing to be switched on, and therefore the amount of electricity being used.
Replace old appliances
Some older appliances can use up more electricity than new energy efficient appliances. So replacing the older ones could save you a lot of money on the electric bills. Make sure you look out for appliances that have the Energy rating star grade. This will ensure you are investing in the right products.
Use your appliances wisely
Many of us stick our televisions on standby and think that’s good, but your TV is still being supplied energy that you aren’t using. The same goes for keeping appliances plugged in with the switch set to on. We need to reassess how we use our appliances. This means switching things off properly, and even unplugging them completely when you go on vacation.
Consider solar panels
Solar energy is much cheaper to use than electricity in your home, so why not consider adding them to your home. They can not only supply energy for you to use your kettle and washing machine, but they can also be used to heat your water. They may cost initially to be installed, but in the long term, they can offer big financial savings.
Save your rainwater
Why not consider adding a rainwater barrel to your garden and home. This then collects any rainfall that would initially just be wasted. Rain water can then be used to water the plants and lawns, which can save on your water bill.
I hope these tips help make your home more energy efficient. Until next time… Creatively yours, All About Interiors.
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