Some people say that their home is an extension of themselves, whether it would be better or for worse. A well-decorated home is what everyone wants, but sometimes, negative energy that is formed by human emotions, and details in the home structure can be the cause of the bad vibes. Here are 6 Feng Shui Tips to prevent the negative vibes in your home.
Let The Breeze In
For many, the first step in moving the negative energy out of your home is using nature. Open all the windows and let the air in. The fresh air helps to move the negative atmosphere that is inside your home. Dormant energy can sometimes be suffocating, make sure to get the fresh air flowing throughout your home. While you’re at it, shake your pillows and sheets as well.
The constant flow of air is essential in feng shui. Plants are one of the best ways to have pure air flowing around your home. They filter the air that goes inside, creating a cleaner and healthier environment. Feng shui experts also say that plants attract positive chi energy due to its life force, and as long as the plants are kept healthy, positive energy will flow around.
Though not all plants are considered to be good luck, Cactus, in particular, is considered to be bad feng shui because of its spikes, and it lacks the need for water. Some of the best plants that you can invite into your home are the Lucky Bamboo, Peace Lily, English Ivy, and many more. They do well indoors and require low-maintenance.
Bright Rooms
To promote harmony in your home, it is recommended that all spaces should have access to light. Since light activates positive energy, it gives the area a vibrant feeling. Having a bright room also gives soothing feelings, which in turn make you feel at peace in your home.
Repair or Remove Broken Things
Defective materials inside your home are one of the reasons why negative energy is stuck in your home. Some say that keeping broken things will reflect on how you accept and tolerate things in your life. Objects that are irreparable serves no purpose, and keeping them will only be the reason why there is negative energy in your home.
Older objects may also mentally, emotionally, and physically block your path to move forward because there is no longer room for new opportunities to enter your life. It is better to get rid of things that no longer bring joy in your life rather than keep them.
Sage Out The Negative Energy In Your Home
Lighting sage is a well-known Native American technique to remove the presence of negative energy in your home. Light the sage then blow out the flame. The smoke from the burning sage will cleanse the air, thus removing the impurities in your home. Start from the front door and work your way around the rooms in a clockwise manner.
Rearrange Furniture
Change can be hard for some people, but this one isn’t as frightening as it sounds. Rearranging your furniture is an excellent way to freshen up your home. You can experiment and play around with your furniture to give life to your home. A good thing about this is that it won’t cost you a dime.
Takeaway Negative Energy In the Home
Well-Balanced energy is the key to good health and well-being. A home that is full of positive energy can also give joy to your life. These Feng Shui Tips for removing negative energy in the home mentioned above are just some of the ideas that you can introduce into your home. If you are looking to know more about negative energy, you can visit
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